EuroLeague Fantasy Challenge 2024/25, how the Draft Mode works
The EuroLeague Fantasy Challenge is about to start: here is everything you need to know about the Draft Mode

The Draft Mode – perfect to play alternatively to the Classic Mode – allows for the creation of a Private League with exclusive rosters, where each Turkish Airlines EuroLeague player (ex: Mirotic) can simultaneously belong to only one team.
How it works
The selection of Turkish Airlines EuroLeague players for each team should be decided by the participants (eg: an auction around a table, a call via Zoom, etc). At the end of the selection, one Draft Commissioner (the one who created the League) manually enters the players in each roster.
The Draft Mode of the new EuroLeague Fantasy Challenge is the same as the Classic Mode, except for the following points:
- the registered team does not participate in the Classic Mode
- rosters are exclusive: each Turkish Airlines EuroLeague player can only be chosen by one team
- trades can be opened and closed by the Commissioner only in the windows provided by the schedule
- there is no head coach
- the values of players do not change based on their performances
Draft creation
During the creation of the League, the Commissioner shall set the following parameters:
- League name
- Player selection mode: with or without credits
- Budget: available to each user to buy free agent or propose trades to other teams (it can also be 0). If the credit mode was chosen, it is necessary to establish a budget for the auction
- Competition mode: classic ranking or Head-to-Head (H2H) mode
After all participants have joined and the League has started, it will be possible to set the following, additional parameters:
- Starting Round: The Commissioner can choose whether to start the League the upcoming Round, or on a different Round;
- Trades deadlines: the Commissioner can choose whether to let the trades open automatically between one EuroLeague Fantasy Challenge Round and another, or maintain direct control and decide independently when to open and when to close the trades (always within the time window established by the EuroLeague Fantasy Challenge schedule and NEVER with a Round in progress).
Draft types
By choosing this mode, the Commissioner assigns a credit budget that each participant in the Draft will have to use to create each roster (through an auction). The remaining credits may be used afterwards during the trades openings.
Example: it is decided to start with 300 credits each. Each league participant calls a player of his choice, for whom he will automatically offer 1 credit. The other participants can decide to raise, always being careful not to use all their available credits before completing the roster.
By choosing this mode, the league decides that the assignment of players will be carried out without the use of credits. Also in this case, the specific modes must be defined offline by the users. However, the Commissioner will have to assign a budget in credits for the post draft (which can also be equal to 0), to be used to buy Free Agent or offer trades to other participants.
Example: the order of call among the various participants in the League is decided through a random draw. Since there are no credits, the chosen Turkish Airlines EuroLeague player is automatically acquired in the roster of the team that called him. After each round, the call starts again in the opposite order with respect to the previous one, thus restarting from the last (snake mode). This procedure is repeated until all the rosters are completed.
Free Agents are players who do not belong to any team participating in the League and can be acquired during the trades time window according to the following procedure:
How to acquire a free agent:
- Select within your roster a player you wish to waive and among the Free Agents choose a player of the same position of the released player.
- If you have enough budget, decide how many credits to offer
- After confirming the offer, the offer will appear in the “Offer list” below the “Team” page and can be changed at any time.
- 3 hours before the Trades close, the participant who offered the highest bid will automatically see the new player appear in the roster in the same position as the one substituted. The traded player will be placed in the free agent list and therefore will be available starting from the next trades time window.
- When the trade fails, the credits offered are credited back and the waived player will remain on the team.
Special cases:
- In the event of a tie, the auction is won by the player ranking the lowest in the League ranking.
- In the event of multiple offers made by always cutting the same player, if all the offers are successful, the system will attribute to the user the player whose offer was made first in chronological order.
Players exchanges
It is also possible to offer a trade with a player belonging to another League participant.
The rules are the same as for the Free Agent trades, with the difference that it will not be necessary to wait until the end of the market time window to make the trade. The participant may decide at any time whether to accept or reject the offer received.